
What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it?

The nslookup command is a built-in network administration tool available on Windows, macOS, and many Linux distributions. It is used to query DNS servers to retrieve information about domain names, IP addresses, and DNS records. Basic Syntax: nslookup [hostname] [DNS server] Components: Common Use Cases: Example Output: Query a Domain: nslookup Output: Server: dns.googleAddress:

What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it? Read More »

Our Windows (and Linux) Networking Toolkits

Well folks, I have decided to make this toolkit available to all. Just download it here. The Linux bash version can be downloaded here. Yes, Windows offers several built-in tools and utilities that can help with networking tasks and commands. Here’s an overview of some of the most useful tools: The problem is these are

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Viewing Users/System Users on Linux

An essential function when administering a Linux system is viewing, configuring and managing users and groups. I cover adding users in this article: That said, viewing users is done using a few simple commands. How To View Users on a Linux System Every user on a Linux system, whether created as an account for

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Using the useradd Command to Create User Accounts in Linux

Like most operating systems, Linux can have multiple user accounts. The system administrator or root account, or users with sudo privileges are responsible for managing these users, as well as managing those accounts. Linux is a multi-user system, which means that more than one person can interact with the same system at the same time. 

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Seven Awesome Linux Terminal Utilities for Everyone

If you are a Linux user, you know how important the Terminal is to your compute world.  Here are Seven Awesome Linux Terminal Utilities for Everyone. Now there are a bunch of different Terminals in Linux, this article is not about that, but I like Tilix the best: sudo apt install tilix Instead, this article

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learn wireshark

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux?

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux?  First things first – the Wireshark downloads page is here: I know I have put the answer to this in other articles over the years (like this one), but I think it is appropriate to answer the question directly and specifically. Installing Wireshark in

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux? Read More »


3 Ways to put your Wi-Fi Interface in Monitor Mode in Linux

Check out these great references as well:  Our Wireless custom profile for Wireshark  Our Udemy course on Wireless Packet capture  Our other Wi-Fi related articles If you are like me, you count on the Internet to help with how to’s especially when using Linux.  That said, sometimes the information can be contradicting or confusing.  This

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Detecting ECMP in Linux using Paris and Dublin Traceroute

Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) is a forwarding mechanism for routing packets along multiple paths of equal cost with the goal to achieve almost equally distributed link load sharing. This, of course, significantly impacts a router’s next-hop (path) decision. For further details, look at RFC 2991, “Multipath Issues in Unicast and Multicast Next-Hop Selection,” and RFC 2992,

Detecting ECMP in Linux using Paris and Dublin Traceroute Read More »

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