What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it?

The nslookup command is a built-in network administration tool available on Windows, macOS, and many Linux distributions. It is used to query DNS servers to retrieve information about domain names, IP addresses, and DNS records. Basic Syntax: nslookup [hostname] [DNS server] Components: Common Use Cases: Example Output: Query a Domain: nslookup example.com Output: Server: dns.googleAddress: […]

What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it? Read More »

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A Wireshark DNS Configuration Profile

For those of you who love Wireshark and are needing to analyze DNS Queries and Responses, we have the profile for you. Profiles are one of the most important Wireshark capabilities.  Setting up and using different profiles for different environments, protocols, and tasks is a crucial skill that we teach in our Wireshark courses.  Let’s

A Wireshark DNS Configuration Profile Read More »

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