CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services

CellStream is proud to announce, and congratulates, Mr. Andrew Walding on attaining his CBRS Certified Professional Installer certification from Google!  As discussed in the CBRS overview article, CBRS license holders need an account with one of the SAS providers, and then they need a CPI to actually certify and log their CBSD/Antennas into the SAS […]

CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services Read More »

CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services Description

CellStream is proud to announce, and congratulates, Mr. Andrew Walding on attaining his CBRS Certified Professional Installer certification from Google!  As discussed in the CBRS overview article, CBRS license holders need an account with one of the SAS providers, and then they need a CPI to actually certify and log their CBSD/Antennas into the SAS

CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services Description Read More »

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