03/2025 – Networking 101 for Technicians – 1 Day Public @ Innovative Systems SD
March 24 @ 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
This course is a 1-day Instructor led, in person delivery class at the Innovative Systems facility in Mitchell, South Dakota.
Register at the Innovative Systems Web Site here!. Secure your seat soon as seating is limited.
The CellStream class for Field Technicians, Engineers, Central Office and IT folks – IN PERSON with course author and instructor Andrew Walding!
Technicians need a solid foundation of understanding how the Internet works, what protocols are involved, and how they can use their Windows PC’s to test and examine networking functions.
This one day Networking 101 course explains and demystifies the terms used, and the technologies, functions and components that make up the Internet. So much has happened historically, the buzz words and three letter acronyms that the experienced take for granted can be overwhelming.
Course Description: https://www.cellstream.com/2024/02/09/networking-101-for-technicians/