- Version
- Download 126
- File Size 42.59 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date July 30, 2024
- Last Updated July 30, 2024
Linux Networking Toolkit
Our Linux Networking Toolkit is here.
Here are the step-by-step installation instructions.
First, download the file by clicking on the download button on this page.
Your system should put this in your Downloads directory, unless you specified some other location.
Next, open your file manager and navigate to the downloads directory. Right click on the file. Extract it. Then Cut and Paste the extracted file to wherever you want the bash file to run from.
Remember, you may need to confirm that wherever you put the file that it is in your PATH.
A couple of notes:
- Some commands require the user to have Super User privilege.
- I hope you enjoy the tool.
I have written a item by item description of what each of the menu items does. You will find those details here.
Did this tool save you time? Did it provide you with a priceless set of skills? LOL Please consider donating by either clicking the patron link where you will receive free bonus access to courses and more, or simply buying us a cup of coffee! If buying one cup seems cheap, you can buy several - we are good with that!!!!