Tips Tricks, How To’s, and Stuff

This section contains general information, tips and tricks, light reading, entertainment and other general fodder.  Enjoy!

IPv6 Extension Header PCAP Repository

Hello my Networking and IPv6 researchers and enthusiasts.  I just started a PCAP repository at Github for IPv6 Extension Header (EH) packet capture examples.  Honestly I found nothing worthwhile on the web, that’s not to say they don’t exists in some niche place, but I wanted something easy to access and easy to add content

IPv6 Extension Header PCAP Repository Read More »


Viewing Users/System Users on Linux

An essential function when administering a Linux system is viewing, configuring and managing users and groups. I cover adding users in this article: That said, viewing users is done using a few simple commands. How To View Users on a Linux System Every user on a Linux system, whether created as an account for

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Using the useradd Command to Create User Accounts in Linux

Like most operating systems, Linux can have multiple user accounts. The system administrator or root account, or users with sudo privileges are responsible for managing these users, as well as managing those accounts. Linux is a multi-user system, which means that more than one person can interact with the same system at the same time. 

Using the useradd Command to Create User Accounts in Linux Read More »

Important Updates to Wireshark for Voice and VoIP

Hi everyone!  Happy Thanksgiving 2021.  Just released – Wireshark 3.6.0!!!  Why is this important to me, you, and everyone who troubleshoots Voice traffic using Wireshark?  Well, there are many changes to the voice related functionality in Wireshark in this (actually as part of the 3.5.0) release.  Of course, more than VoIP was updated in these

Important Updates to Wireshark for Voice and VoIP Read More »

Wireshark 3.5 Development Release adds significant voice upgrades

Hi Everyone! If you are like me, you use Wireshark every day.  For me that means troubleshooting many different network situations, including Voice traffic – VoIP.  Wireshark announced some significant changes coming to the Voice capabilities set within Wireshark, and I hope you are like me – extremely excited to see these.  If you want

Wireshark 3.5 Development Release adds significant voice upgrades Read More »

What does the BGP Next-Hop-Self Command Actually do?

I got this question the other day: “What does the BGP Next-Hop-Self command actually do?” It is a great question that I tried to answer in a brief description without success, and actually repeated my answer several times.  It was clear to me that my answer was not being understood in terms of a process

What does the BGP Next-Hop-Self Command Actually do? Read More »

2021 02 17 07 26

Seven Awesome Linux Terminal Utilities for Everyone

If you are a Linux user, you know how important the Terminal is to your compute world.  Here are Seven Awesome Linux Terminal Utilities for Everyone. Now there are a bunch of different Terminals in Linux, this article is not about that, but I like Tilix the best: sudo apt install tilix Instead, this article

Seven Awesome Linux Terminal Utilities for Everyone Read More »

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