CellStream FAQs

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Neighbor Discovery (ND) Table in IPv6 Windows, Linux and MAC Machines

Check out these additional IPv6 Resources: Our IPv6 overview course at Udemy Our IPv6 Custom Profiles for Wireshark Our IPv6 classes at the Online School A great question I was asked in class was: “If Neighbor Discovery processes have replaced ARP in ICMPv6, how do you look at the equivalent of the ARP cache?” Great […]

Neighbor Discovery (ND) Table in IPv6 Windows, Linux and MAC Machines Read More »

How do you Remote Desktop from Windows to Ubuntu?

This is a great question. First, you have probably learned that you can use Ubuntu’s APPLICATIONS > INTERNET> TERMINAL SERVER CLIENT program to remote desktop to Windows machines.  Going the other way is a bit more challenging. You need to have two things in place: 1. You must enable remote desktop connections in Ubuntu.  You

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How do I get Linux/Ubuntu to show interfaces in Wireshark?

Ah – a common problem.  Wireshark has installed and does not see any of the computer interfaces so you can do captures. The answer to your problem is simple!  You need to give the Wireshark application root priviledges. Ubuntu Solution In Ubuntu, the best way to fix this (and any other application that needs root

How do I get Linux/Ubuntu to show interfaces in Wireshark? Read More »

Could I be breaking the law if I connect to an unsecured wireless network?

The answer is – possibly – yes, unless you have explicit permission to access the network (such as a free WiFi hotspot at the airport or town square). Many states have criminal laws that prohibit accessing any computer or network without the owner’s permission. For example, in Texas, the statute is Penal Code section 33.02,

Could I be breaking the law if I connect to an unsecured wireless network? Read More »

What Broadband services are offered in my area?

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has recently made a great web site available to all of us that maps and lists broadband service providers, by area.  Simply go to this link: www.broadbandmap.gov The online broadband database apparently holds more than 25 million records detailing where service is available; technology used to provide service;

What Broadband services are offered in my area? Read More »

Can I erase my accounts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.?

Two answers to this one: sort of, and absolutely. Sort of means you can go to these sites and select to deactivate your account.  The problem is that while it is deactivated, all your information, history, friends lists, postings, tweets, etc. are all maintained.  You can reactivate almost any time you want. Absolutely means actual

Can I erase my accounts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Read More »

2020 06 16 7 57 17

What happened to the Internet and Telecom History?

Great question!As those of you who love this project, you know we have moved it around several times.  We know this is a problem, and we apologize for that. The latest place for this project is here: https://netscionline.com/course/view.php?id=201 You will have to create a free user account to actually view the WIKI’s – but that only

What happened to the Internet and Telecom History? Read More »

Do you have a Corporate Security Policy?

CellStream, Inc. Corporate Security Statement/Policy    PURPOSE CellStream, Inc. is committed to meeting the Security requirements of the Telecommunications Industry to insure security of our customer information, our students, and our co-workers.  To that end, we have adopted the following security policies. OUR EMPLOYEES This policy applies to all employees of CellStream, Inc. (CSI) and

Do you have a Corporate Security Policy? Read More »

What consulting services does CellStream Provide?

Great question and thanks for letting us advertise our services!  We provide a number of consulting services, they include: Technology implementation analysis Business case development Competitive analysis Requirements/architecture definition Network design and support Wi-Fi Network Analysis RFP creation and response support Sales force training/enlightenment Solutions brainstorming White paper and collateral creation/review, and much more. Click

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Do you have a Virus Protection Policy?

TO:                  All Clients and Potential Clients   FROM:            Andrew Walding                         President & Founder                         CellStream Inc. — www.cellstream.com                         9812 Zembriski Drive,                         Plano, TX  75025                         866-659-1014   RE:                 Our Anti-Virus Policy   LAST UPDATED: 01/04/2011   We make every effort to ensure files sent to our clients via e-mail, Internet, or disk

Do you have a Virus Protection Policy? Read More »

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