CellStream FAQs

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What are some examples of Physical Layer Threats in Networking?

A great question in my two day Security class recently. The physical layer (Layer 1) of the layered model is responsible for the transmission of raw data bits over a communication medium. Although it is often considered more secure due to its reliance on physical components, it is still vulnerable to a variety of threats.

What are some examples of Physical Layer Threats in Networking? Read More »

A Simple Capture and Filter Exercise for Wireshark

Someone asked the following “getting started” question on the Wireshark Discord site, and it prompted me to write this FAQ to help newcomers to Wireshark understand how to navigate the initial complexity of packet capture. Hi everyone! I’m new here and just downloaded wireshark for a Computer Comm class. I need to capture traffic sent

A Simple Capture and Filter Exercise for Wireshark Read More »

What ever happened to ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)?

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) was once seen as a promising Layer 2 networking technology due to its ability to handle a variety of traffic types (voice, video, and data) with high efficiency and quality of service (QoS) performance guarantees. I spent several years working with and then teaching ATM courses to my fellow telecom engineers. 

What ever happened to ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)? Read More »

learn wireshark

Where can I get PCAP Packet Captures for Learning and Exploration?

I am often asked this question of where to access PCAP or PCAP-NG files so that folks can explore packet captures using Wireshark.  I have always provided these resources in my Wireshark classes at the Online School, but thought I should also just list them here for public consumption. Look up the hashtag “captureeveryday” in

Where can I get PCAP Packet Captures for Learning and Exploration? Read More »

learn wireshark

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux?

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux?  First things first – the Wireshark downloads page is here: https://www.wireshark.org/download.html I know I have put the answer to this in other articles over the years (like this one), but I think it is appropriate to answer the question directly and specifically. Installing Wireshark in

How do I install / upgrade Wireshark in Ubuntu Linux? Read More »

How do I get Windows interfaces to show up in Wireshark?

Check out these great references as well:   Our custom profiles repository for Wireshark  Our Udemy course on Wireshark   Our Udemy course on Wireless Packet capture Apparently this is a common problem, where on Windows systems you do not see any interfaces: There are a couple of things to try: 1. If you are using the

How do I get Windows interfaces to show up in Wireshark? Read More »

If I want to get into Networking, what should I learn?

I was recently asked the question “If I want to get into Networking, what should I learn?” A great question because Telecommunications or Data Networking is really not a degree program at most universities, at least not at the undergraduate level.  There are some masters programs, but they are few and far between.  In fact,

If I want to get into Networking, what should I learn? Read More »

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