CellStream, Inc. – Telecom Consulting and Training! | 2-Day Instructor Led Hands On Lab Class |
Course Description:
This is an advanced L2 Ethernet and TCP/IPv4 course that leverages Wireshark and packet capture, to not only visualize, but to learn the advanced Ethernet and TCP/IPv4 networking topics.
This is an instructor led training (ILT) course that is usually held at a customer location or online with a live instructor.
The course is a combination of knowledge training, systems analysis, with hands-on exercises using Cisco routers/switches and Cisco IOS, designed by CellStream consultants to bring the technician/engineer, who requires a deeper understanding of Ethernet and TCP/IP Addressing. A combination of knowledge training, hands-on exercises, and hands-on experience through execution of Command Line interface to Cisco routing/switching labs reveals the Advanced Ethernet functions in a swift, detailed, and understandable way.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to:
- Develop a “hands-on” skill set targeted at Ethernet methods and protocols
- Learn how to use critical networking tools and methods
- Improve student job performance by having a more complete and robust understanding of the subject matter
- Improve customer/coworker satisfaction by sharing the knowledge and skills to work and troubleshoot the network
- Deepen networking knowledge and understanding
These objectives are met by covering the necessary technical bases in a straightforward manner, by keeping the content in context of the objectives – connecting the dots. Utilizing a short, subject specific architecture with exercises to drive home key points and Hands-On experience that reveal these points builds skills and knowledge based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Presentation methodology is industry current and up to date using a technology specialist.
The target audience for this course is anyone in the telecommunications and storage area networking field that requires a solid and complete understanding of the fundamental operations of Ethernet networking, especially new hires, and desires hands-on skills that can be applied to their job function. Ideal candidates are:
- Central Office Technicians, Storage Area Networking Engineers, and Supervisors
- Line Technicians, and Customer Service and Support Technicians
- Operations individuals that will provide Ethernet configuration and support services
- Development Engineers that must know Ethernet networking in order to provide hardware and software solutions
- Network Design Engineers that need to understand Ethernet services and applications
- Network Management individuals that are providing element and network management tools
- Network Administrators and IT professionals
- Technical sales individuals that must be able to correlate features with functionality
- Technical marketing individuals that want more than just a basic understanding of Ethernet
- Certification Track individuals that need to expand their knowledge and studies
Course Prerequisites:
All students must attend with a lap-top computer in order to interface to the Online School (web browser) and the Lab Systems (Remote Desktop Connection). If the course is held at a classroom where computers are available, the Lap-top computer will not be required.
Course Materials:
Students will be provided with a Course Student Guide. Also, a lab system for configuration and labs will be provided.
Course Outline:
- Section 1: Establishing The Groundwork
- Overview and Introductions
- Ethernet Protocol Fundamentals Review
- Section 2: Wireshark Tool Setup and Customization
- Customizing Wireshark and Profile use
- Installation of profiles for TCP/IP, etc.
- Sample Capture File testing
- Section 3: Advanced Ethernet
- Ethernet Multicast
- LAB: Multicast Experiment/Demonstration and Packet Dissection
- Ethernet Port Mirroring/SPAN Ports
- LAB: Ethernet Port Mirroring/SPAN Port Demonstration
- Ethernet Port Security
- LAB: Ethernet Port Security Demonstration
Section 4: TCP/IP
- Transmission Control Protocol
- MTU vs MSS
- TCP Sockets
- TCP Segmentation
- 3-way Handshake
- LAB: TCP Profile and 3 Way Handshake Trace Analysis
- Flow Control, Sliding Windows
- TCP Windows
- Congestion Control
- LAB: TCP Congestion and Flow Control
- Selective Acknowledgement (SACK)
- TCP Troubleshooting Workflow
- LAB: TCP Troubleshooting Example Traces/Workthroughs
- Section 5: IPv4
- IPv4 Addressing
- IPv4 Subnet Addressing
- LAB: IPv4 Subnet Addressing Tool and Exercises
- Relationship between IP Subnets and VLANs
- Primary Differences Between IPv4 and IPv6
- LAB: Dual Stack Network Example/Demonstration
- LAB: IPv4 and IPv6 Profiles and Sample Trace reviews
- Section 6: Gateways/Routers
- Gateway/Router Functions
- Routers Deployment options in LANs
- IP Routing Protocols
- LAB: OSPF Demonstration and Trace Analysis
- LAB: EIGRP Demonstration and Trace Analysis
- BGP (eBGP and iBGP)
- LAB: BGP Demonstration and Trace Analysis
- Course Summary, Bibliography, and Resources
Course Availability:
Contact us for schedule dates and times.
View the course calendar and browse for our schedule.
Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.