Hi Everyone!
If you are like me, you use Wireshark every day. For me that means troubleshooting many different network situations, including Voice traffic – VoIP. Wireshark announced some significant changes coming to the Voice capabilities set within Wireshark, and I hope you are like me – extremely excited to see these.
If you want to learn how to analyze/troubleshoot voice with Wireshark, check out my video:
According to the Wireshark Web Site:
First: significant RTP Player redesign and improvements (see Wireshark User Documentation, Playing VoIP Calls and RTP Player Window)
- RTP Player can play many streams in row
- UI is more responsive
- RTP Player maintains playlist, other tools can add/remove streams to it
- Every stream can be muted or routed to L/R channel for replay
- Save audio is moved from RTP Analysis to RTP Player. RTP Player saves what was played. RTP Player can save in multichannel .au or .wav.
- RTP Player added to menu Telephony>RTP>RTP Player
Second: VoIP dialogs (VoIP Calls, RTP Streams, RTP Analysis, RTP Player, SIP Flows) are non-modal, can stay opened on background. This also means the same tools are provided across all dialogs (Prepare Filter, Analyze, RTP Player …​)
Lastly, follow stream is now able to follow SIP calls based on their Call-ID value.
These are all very positive changes and I thank the development team at Wireshark for sprucing up the voice support! Also – be sure to grab the voice profiles as mentioned in the video. You can find those right here: https://www.cellstream.com/resources/wireshark-profiles-repository