Apologies for the CellStream.com Site Issues

Wow. What a couple of weeks. Lesson learned: never ever ever ever make a web site environment change right before you go on vacation.

Ultimately the issues you all have experienced with this web site were my fault. I take full responsibility. I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me and continue to trust the tons of information available here.

First, a couple of clarification points: The Online School of Network Sciences was not affected at all. The Discord site was not affected at all. However any links to information on this web site may have been affected.

Here is a transparent synopsis of what happened:

Just before I went on vacation for a week, I contacted one of our service providers, Bluehost.com, to downgrade our service. We weren’t using their higher level service any longer as our web sites run on individual servers not within their domain. This meant a migration process, but only for our email services. Unfortunately, and unknown to us, they re-pointed all the DNS IP addresses to our new service. This only needed to be done for the email. That meant the while our server was operating seamlessly, no one could reach the site. It took no less than 3 tries over 8 days to correct this. That is the price we pay for not being “normal” in our deployment. That said the length of the outage was directly linked to my vacation.

Many different attempts to correct the problem were made. Some of this troubleshooting was aimed at the CellStream.com server itself as the initial appearance of the problem was the server was not responding. In that process we created a second problem, which was discovered once the DNS issues were corrected. These new issues were resolved by reversing some of the things we did to try to fix a server that was not broken.

As of this evening, we think everything has returned to normal. It is time to just leave everything alone!

Again, my apologies to our users, thank you for your patience, and if you want to communicate with us, reach out via the Discord server.

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