CSI-SP-006 – Enhancing the Customer Broadband Experience

CellStream Logo trim plus TM 150x50CellStream, Inc. – Telecom Consulting and Training!  1-Day Instructor Led Hands On Lab Class
Available in either Web Based delivery or On-Site Delivery
Minimum 10 students – Maximum 20 students

What People are Saying About this Course:

“I was very impressed with Andy Walding’s presentation of ‘Enhancing the Customer Broadband Experience’.  Andy’s knowledge and enthusiasm for the material was obvious as soon as he started.  His content could not have been more spot on, as to what our attendees needed to hear and learn. Also, his presentation style was superb – engaging, energetic and educational. He completely engaged the entire class with his enthusiasm and with what he shared, made everyone walk out smarter than when they came in.”  Tom Karalis, Executive VP – OTA – The Oklahoma Rural Broadband Association

Course Objectives and Description:

This one-day course focuses on the knowledge and understanding needed by the Customer Support team (Customer Service Reps and Technical staff who have direct customer contact) to elevate their customer’s Broadband experience.  We will use real life examples of problems to illustrate solutions, explain network operations, and build our skill set to provide the best broadband customer support practices.  We start with a basic understanding of the technical aspects of broadband, including service via fiber vs copper.  We will discuss the various types of services available over broadband, and the various speeds they demand, so we understand what to recommend and enhance the customer experience.  We will explain how the customers’ use of the broadband service will determine the level of service they need.

The objective is to breed confidence in the telephone company and staff, and confidence in the product.  We want to have the customer feel they are interacting with an “Internet expert” at first contact.

By getting the team on the same page and knowledge level, and having a common understanding across the support team, will help to ensure all employees are consistent in their recommendations to the customer.  This commonality results in projecting a better image of the Service Provider to the customer.  An example of how this can go wrong is when a field tech to tells the customer the services ordered from the customer care representative are not what they need and attempt to sell them a different service!  While this can happen in certain circumstances, it is best avoided.

Course Outline:

Section 1: Course Introduction

Section 2: Understanding Broadband in Todays Services Environment

Part 1: How Internet Communication Works

Part 2: Fiber and Ethernet

Part 3: The Internet is Delivered in Packets

Section 3: The Wireless LAN/Wi-Fi

Section 4: Customer Needs/Expectations and Demand on Bandwidth

Web Browsing

Video Streaming

Section 5: Common Problems and their Causes

Section 6: Customer Problem Report Simulation

Section 7: Conclusions, References & Bibliography

Course Availability:

Contact us for schedule dates and times.

View the course calendar and browse for our schedule.

Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.

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