Great question!
First things first – we offer two fundamentally different types of courses:
a) Public courses that are open to anyone wishing to attend
b) Private courses that are closed to all except the folks associated with the company/group that is requesting the course.
For those who are looking for our Certification Program – click here.
There are several places to register:
Public Instructor Led Courses
To register for public Instructor Led courses, here is the way to locate a course and register.
You will want to start at the course/events calendar to find these courses (all public courses are highlighted in green). Click here to go to the course/events calendar. You will be shown the current months’ training calendar. Here is an example:

Greyed out courses are no longer available for registration. Other courses may also not allow registrations because either they are private, the registration window has closed, or they are full.
Navigate the calendar by month or day. You can also do a search, but we suggest you select “List”, then use a key word to find courses.
Simply click on the course you are interested in. You will be presented with course details:

Item 1: you are shown the dates/times and cost.
Item 2: you can optionally add this event to your calendar.
Item 3: the “Get Tickets” Button is where you will register and pay for the course. Payment is done via Paypal. You DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT! This button may not be available of there are no available seats.
If you want to continue to search for courses you can return to the calendar view, and use the search as discussed earlier, or at the bottom of the course view, you can use #1 – the tags, or #2 the related courses information at the bottom of the screen:

Public Online/Self Paced/Video Based Courses
To register for public online/video based courses you will find a course of interest at the Online School of Network Sciences.
When you select the course, you will be prompted to Log In or create a user account (account creation is free) and then options for enrollment/payment will be provided. Click here to go to the Online School of Network Sciences.
All Private Courses
To register for private courses, make sure you follow instructions provided by your learning administrator.
Usually private courses require that student create an account at the Online School of Network Sciences, which is free, and then, using the enrollment keys provided by the course administration’s team, students will enroll in a particular course. In some cases, the enrollment information will be provided to you by your instructor on the first day of the course.
We hope this helps, and if you need more help – do not be afraid to click on the little red envelope floating around your screen to contacts us!