QUIC banner2

How much QUIC Traffic is there?

QUIC banner2We have previously published two articles on Google’s QUIC protocol (note:  Google originally called this protocol “QUIC” as you can tell by the original logo, but now that original version is referred to as gQUIC, whereas the IETF has chosen to call the newer version they are working on as “QUIC” – confusing – yes – so when I saw QUIC here I am referring to Googles original QUIC protocol):

Is there a lot of QUIC in your Packet Captures?

Using Wireshark to Analyze QUIC Traffic

I encourage you to read those articles to understand what QUIC is.

Just as we were getting curious about how much traffic on the Internet is now QUIC traffic, and on May 15 an article was published that does a report.

The bottom line is – growth is out of this world!  It is May 2018 as I write this post.  Here is a graph from that report (recently updated from the actual source of the graphic):

2018 11 18 06 52 37

One can only imagine it will continue to grow, especially since it is open source.

The web page where you can find the latest QUIC statistics can be found here: https://quic.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/stats.html

Here is another interesting stat on QUIC:

2018 11 18 06 55 48

You can read more details in the report here.

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