CSI-OL-002 – Wireshark 101 Fundamentals

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4hr Online Self Paced course that must be completed within 30 days.

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learn wireshark

Course Type/Length/Size:

4-6hr Online Self Paced course that must be completed within 30 days.

Click Here to go to our Online Courses.

Course Description

This Wireshark Fundamentals course is a fast start to using Wireshark for packet analysis. Basic configuration and customization of capturing, displaying and environment is covered.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to provide a solid foundation of how to use Wireshark, explaining the GUI, file operations, filtering, baselining, and customization of the Wireshark interface..

Target Audience

The target audience is anyone interested in understanding how to use Wireshark to diagnose data communications networks.

Course Prerequisites


Course Materials

The student will be provided with a PDF of all materials presented. The video and lab exercises are all provided within the course accessed via web browser.

Course Outline

Section 1: Introducing the Wireshark User Interface

Section 2: Using Capture and Display Filters

Section 3: Network Baselines

Section 4: Wireshark Configuration

Section 5: Command Line Functions

Section 6: Conclusion


Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.


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