Why Use CellStream

Why use CellStream for your technology, telecommunication and computing learning needs?

The simple answer to that is three words:


We aspire to provide industry leading learning experiences by offering the best materials, the best instructors, the best flexibility to meet your needs at the most competitive prices.  Because we are focused on value for our needs, we pass this focus and savings on to our customers.  We understand the needs of our customers in our area of expertise, and we strive to provide high levels of value in everything we do.


The highest levels of professionalism, experience, cooperation, ethics, and expertise can be found in the people at CellStream.  Our goal is to become a learning partner, a trusted provider of training services to you, your company, and your customers.


Start with the vast experience of our instructors (web-based or classroom), our vast access to information and content, and then make this all flexible to suit your needs, and you understand what we are about.  Unlike many others, we are eager to combine our materials with our client materials in order to provide an integrated solution to training needs.  We also welcome requests to develop private/custom courses leveraging our long term experience with instructional design.  Our technical depth suits engineers to sales.  Further, we also offer hands-on lab training (that is available anywhere in the world), and our own internet-based testing capability can be customized to meet our clients needs, as well as support a certification track.

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