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2-Day Instructor Led Hands On Lab Class Available in Web Based delivery or onsite, instructor led Minimum 10 students – Maximum 16 students |
What Students are Saying about this class:
- “Understanding how Wireshark can be customized to make my job easier (this will help WELL BEYOND even wireless)”
- “Rather than focus on “here’s what you see in Wireshark, now let’s talk about what it means” you approached it by understanding the technology first and *then* showing how that can be seen in Wireshark. ”
- “You emphasized that Wireshark is just *one* tool in your kit for troubleshooting. Further, while there is overlap, you explained really well how each compliments the other.”
- “Thank you for making this class less training and more learning!”
Course Description:
This course will introduce students to using Wireshark to analyze Wi-Fi Wireless LAN (WLAN) network traffic with a focus on WLAN network operations. We will explain how Wireshark works when used with Wi-Fi networks, and quickly proceed to customizing Wireshark to make the tool and make you a great Wi-Fi WLAN packet explorer! Wireshark is perhaps the defacto tool for exploring packets, analyzing network problems, and investigating security problems in the network. This Wi-Fi Edition course focuses on the Wi-Fi WLAN operations, troubleshooting, and planning, revealing Wireshark’s capabilities for Wi-Fi WLAN’s, and what things to look out for. Having skills with Wireshark and Wi-Fi networks is vital to anyone who is in the networking field today, whether it be Service Provider level or Enterprise level. The course is a combination of knowledge training, systems analysis, with hands-on exercises using the Wireshark™ application, backed by CellStream’s experience in networking over the last 25 years, revealing the details and capabilities in a swift, comprehensive, and understandable way.
Using the Wireshark packet analyzer in Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi environments is a specialized skill set. Even if you have Wireshark previously, gaining the skills necessary to troubleshoot and analyze wireless networks is the objective of this course. Some would consider it an advanced Wireshark class.
For service providers and enterprise support staff alike, todays’ networks depend heavily on Wi-Fi WLAN as the last hop to the end user and IoT devices. Once interference and proper WLAN operations are verified and eliminated as possible causes for issues, the only remaining method to troubleshoot the WLAN is to sniff packets, analyze the network performance and understand what problems may be arising.
Wireshark can be very helpful in illustrating performance issues, and possible WLAN behavior issues.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are:
- Comprehend how Wireshark can be leveraged and customized for WLAN environments
- Understand how to use WIreshark for WLAN packet analysis and troubleshooting
- Build a solid skill set applicable to your day-to-day network support function
This course is designed for individuals that require a deeper understanding of Wireless LAN and Wi-Fi networks, including network administrators, designers, product developers, network architects, analysts, and technical support personnel. Specific use cases include:
- Network administrators that need to:
- Measure performance and plan for future growth
- Troubleshooting wireless network problems
- Network security engineers that need to examine and investigate wireless security issues
- Developers that need to debug protocol implementations
- IT professionals that need to understand and explore wireless network protocol internals
Course Prerequisites:
This course is designed to appeal to anyone needing the skills and knowledge to use Wireshark in WLAN/Wi-Fi analysis. Although this course does not require any specific prerequisites, some consider this an advanced class where general knowledge of how to use Wireshark itself, and knowledge of WLAN operations is beneficial.
All students must attend with a lap-top computer. If the course is held at a classroom where computers are available, the Lap-top computer may not be required.
Class size is limited to 20 students.
Course Materials:
Students will be provided with a PDF Course Student Guide. Access to the lab exercises and Wi-Fi packet captures will be provided via the Online School of Network Science (www.netscionline.com).
Related Content:
We offer a number of different Wireshark courses, with a focus on different use cases:
- The basic Standard Edition Wireshark course taught in 2 days
- The basic Standard Edition Wireshark course taught in 3 days
- The Data Center Edition Wireshark course
- The Voice Edition Wireshark course
- The One Day Advanced Hackathon Wireshark course
Course Outline:
Section 1: Course Introduction and Logistics
Section 2: A Wireless LAN Challenge
Section 3: Customizing Wireshark for WLAN/Wi-Fi Network Packet Analysis
Section 4: Capturing WLAN/Wi-Fi Network Traffic with Wireshark
Section 5: Analyzing Physical Layer and RadioTap Headers and Frames with Wireshark
Section 6: Analyzing Beacon and WAN Management Headers and Frames with Wireshark
Section 7: Analyzing Probes, Associations/De-Associations and Authentication with Wireshark
Section 8: Leveraging Wireshark for WLAN/Wi-Fi Troubleshooting and Site Surveys
Section 9: Penetrating WLAN Networks
Course Availability:
Contact us for schedule dates and times.
View the course calendar and browse for our schedule.
Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.