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CSI-IL-002 – Mastering AToM – Any Transport over MPLS [VPLS, VPWS, and L2VPNs]

CellStream Logo trim plus TM 150x50  

CellStream, Inc. – Telecom Consulting and Training!            

2-Day Instructor Led Hands On Lab Class
Available in either Web Based delivery or On-Site Delivery
Minimum 10 students – Maximum 16 students


Course Description:

Using the MPLS core network to provide multiple services has always been an objective of the technology. The emergence of Any Transport over MPLS (AToM) began in 2000 with standards created by service providers like Level3 and Sprint. The notion of using the lower cost, easier to maintain and manage MPLS core to transport layer 2 services such as Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet, and now Layer 1 services such as T1 have been in development ever since.

This insightful and revealing course has been designed to bring either traditional networking experts from the voice and telephony world or new-to-networking individuals up to speed on the world of ATOM and providing layer 2 services over the MPLS domain. The course lays the technical groundwork for L2 services for delivery mechanisms such as Metro-Ethernet. This course is designed as an instructor led course over the span of two days. The course is delivered in a swift, detailed, and understandable way by knowledgeable and experienced MPLS networking specialists.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to:

  • Develop a configuration level application and implementation skill set targeted at AToM/VPWS/VPLS architecture and requirements in the following key areas:
    • Layer 1 and Layer 2 transport services using MPLS core networking
    • IP/MPLS Control Plane modification in support of L1, L2 and L2 VPN services
  • Compare and Contrast the LDP and BGP control plane approaches to L2 VPNs
  • Observe example configurations of various AToM, VPWS and VPLS on manufacturer equipment
  • Understand the detail operation of ethernet-based services using the MPLS core network
  • Observe and understand the QoS and security issues of L2 VPNs

These objectives are met by covering the necessary technical bases in a straight forward manner, by keep the content in context of the objectives – connecting the dots. Utilizing a short, subject specific architecture with exercises to drive home key points and configuration observations, that reveal these points builds skills and knowledge based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The presentation is always industry current and up-to-date using a technology specialists.


The target audience for this course is anyone in the telecommunications field that requires a solid and complete understanding of the architecture and requirements for AToM, or layer 1/2 services over an MPLS domain and desires configuration and knowledge-based skills that can be applied to their job function. Ideal candidates are:

  • Network Administrators
  • Operations individuals that will provide AToM/VPWS/VPLS design, configuration and support services
  • Development Engineers that must know AToM/VPWS/VPLS architecture and requirements in order to provide hardware and software solutions
  • Network Design Engineers that need to understand AToM/VPWS/VPLS services and applications
  • Network Management individuals that are providing element and network management tools
  • Technical sales individuals that must be able to correlate features with functionality
  • Technical marketing individuals that want more than just a basic understanding AToM/VPWS/VPLS
  • Certification Track individuals that need to expand their knowledge and studies.

Course Prerequisites:

This is an advanced topic course.  CellStream has designed this course to appeal to anyone needing the skills and knowledge of AToM, VPWS and VPLS. The ideal student will have some experience in Basic MPLS operations (for instance having taken the CellStream Hands ON MPLS and L3 VPNs and/or Hands On MPLS Traffic Engineering, one or more of the “MPLS 101“, “MPLS 201“, or “MPLS 301” courses, or the CellStream Course on Advanced MPLS Functions). The course also demonstrates Command Line Interface examples and an example lab configuration so the student can take away an understanding of implementation. No prior knowledge is necessary.

Course Materials:

Students will be provided with a Course Student Guide.

Related Content:

See the course pre-requisites for related content. As a follow up to this course, some students may wish to take out Mastering G-MPLS, or the upcoming MPLS-TP course

Course Outline:

  • Part 1: Introduction and MPLS Essentials 
    • Introduction and Business Case for AToM 
    • Definition of AToM and the problem AToM solves 
    • Review of key MPLS concepts used in AToM
  • Part 2: AToM and L2VPN Standardization
    • IETF Working Group 
    • MPLS RFCs and Drafts 
    • PW3E and L2VPN RFCs and Drafts 
    • Source and Reference Information
  • Part 3: Layer 1/2 Transport 
    • Overview of the Layer 2 Transport Model
    • ATM AAL5 and Cell Transport 
    • Frame Relay 
    • PPP/HDLC 
    • Ethernet 
    • TDM (T1 CEM) 
  • Part 4: Signaling and Control of AToM Services
    • Overview of the Signaling Model
    • FEC Element Types 128 and 129 
    • LDP Signaling 
    • BGP Signaling 
    • Protocol Comparison
  • Part 5: Ethernet Layer 2 VPNs 
    • VPWS and VPLS Reference Models 
    • Why are Networks implementing L2 VPNs? 
    • Handling of Ethernet MAC Addresses 
    • Spanning Tree Protocol Issues 
    • Hierarchical VPLS 
    • De-coupled VPLS 
    • IPLS 
    • PBT
  • Part 6: QoS Considerations 
    • Integrated Services Architecture 
    • Differentiated Services Architecture 
    • Classification Marking and Policing 
    • MPLS QoS Configuration 
    • Hierarchical QoS for L2 VPNs
  • Part 7: Summary and Evaluations and example Lab Configuration

Course Availability:

Contact us for schedule dates and times.

View the course calendar and browse for our schedule.


Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.


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