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CSI-HO-010 – MPLS 101

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CellStream, Inc. – Telecom Consulting and Training!            

1-Day Instructor Led Hands On Lab Class
Available in either Web Based Delivery or On-Site Delivery
Web Based Delivery: Max class size is 16
On Site Delivery: Max class size is 16


What Students are Saying about this class:

  • “Great labs and instructor”
  • “Great class format.”

Course Description:

Service providers today are faced with many challenges in terms of customer demand, including an ongoing need for value-added services. Conventional IP packet forwarding has several limitations, and more and more service providers are realizing that something else is needed. Not only must they be concerned with protecting their existing infrastructure, but they must also find ways to generate new services that are not currently supportable using existing technologies.

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a high-performance method for forwarding packets through a network. It enables routers at the edge of a network to apply simple labels to packets. This practice allows the edge devices – ATM switches or existing routers in the center of the service provider core – to switch packets according to labels, with minimal lookup overhead. MPLS integrates the performance and traffic management capabilities of data link Layer 2 with the scalability and flexibility of network Layer 3 routing. When used in conjunction with other standard technologies, it allows service providers the ability to support value-added features that are critical for their networks.

The course is a combination of knowledge training, systems analysis, with hands-on exercises using Cisco routers and Cisco IOS, revealing the fundamentals of MPLS in a swift, comprehensive, and understandable way.

Course Objectives:

To develop a “hands-on” skill set targeted at MPLS networking fundamentals in the following key areas:

  • Describe basic MPLS frame-mode architecture and identify how it supports applications that are used to address the drawbacks in traditional IP routing
  • Describe the LDP process by explaining label allocation, label distribution, label retention, label convergence, and PHP in frame mode MPLS
  • Identify the Cisco IOS command syntax required to successfully configure, monitor, and troubleshoot MPLS operations on frame, and switched WAN interfaces, given a diagram of a typical MPLS network solution
  • Describe the MPLS peer-to-peer architecture and explain the routing and packet forwarding model in this architecture


The target audience for this course is anyone in Engineering, Test, Customer Support, Technical Marketing, or even Sales and Marketing that requires a solid and complete understanding of the fundamental operations of Multiprotocol Label Switching and desires hands-on skills that can be applied to their job function.

Ideal candidates are:

  • Operations individuals that will provide MPLS configuration and support services
  • Network Design Engineers that need to understand MPLS services and applications
  • Network Management individuals that are providing element and network management tools
  • Technical sales individuals that must be able to correlate features with functionality
  • Technical marketing individuals that want more than just a basic understanding of MPLS
  • Certification Track individuals that need to expand their knowledge and studies
  • Network Administrators

Student Comments

“Very didactic and explaining on perfect pace. Thank you so much! ”


Course Prerequisites:

This course to appeal to anyone needing the skills and knowledge of MPLS fundamentals. The ideal student will have some experience in networking and operations, with knowledge of IP addressing and routing. All students must attend with a lap-top computer in order to interface to the Router Lab. If the course is held at a classroom where computers are available, the Lap-top computer will not be required.

Course Materials:

Students will be provided with a Course Student Guide and a Lab Guide. Also, a lab system for configuration and labs will be provided.

If attending via Web Session:

Students will be provided with access to the CellStream Online School. From there students will take a pre-course knowledge assessment and then invest 3-4 hours in completing the pre-class reading assignment. During this time (approximately 1 week), they have access to the instructor via an online Q&A forum. Then students will download a Course Student Guide and a Lab Guide and attend the 4 hour Web Session synchronously with the instructor. A lab system for configuration and labs will be provided. Students must have a PC with a telnet program of their choosing.

Related Content:

This course is part of the CellStream “MPLS 101 Series” Courses. This course should be taken prior to any MPSL 201, MPLS 301, or MPLS 401 classes.

Course Outline:

  • Part 1:
    • The Groundwork
    • Overview and Introductions
    • Introduction to MPLS
    • The Problems MPLS Solves
    • LAB: Accessing the Lab Network
  • Part 2:
    • Basic MPLS Concepts
    • MPLS Labels and Label Stack
    • MPLS Applications
    • LAB 2: Installing an IGP
    • Label Assignment and Distribution
    • Typical Label Distribution in Frame-mode MPLS
    • MPLS Label Allocation, Distribution, and Retention Modes
    • LDP Neighbor Discovery
    • Configuring Frame Mode MPLS on Cisco IOS Platforms
    • LAB 3: Installing and verifying MPLS
  • Part 3:
    • MPLS Optional Capabilities
    • LAB 4: Disabling TTL Propagation
    • LAB 5: Constraining Label Distribution
    • Monitoring Frame Mode MPLS on Cisco IOS Platforms
    • Troubleshooting MPLS Networks
    • LAB: Troubleshooting Lab


Course Availability:

Contact us for schedule dates and times.

View the course calendar and browse for our schedule.


Course Description, Content, Outline, and Instructional Design are Copyright ©CellStream, Inc.


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