Product/Service Requirements and Architecture Definition

ArchReqmtsA key service to many of our clients has been the creation and support of creation of product or network functional requirements specifications and/or architecture definitions.  These sometimes come in the forms of presentations, but usually involve requirements documents that are well researched, use industry specifications, and use the appropriate level of graphical content educating while defining.

Too many times, projects rush from concept to implementation only to discover that industry unique, major content was either overlooked or not considered. 

We are also fully aware that no one wants to wait while large architecture or requirements processes conclude in order to launch into development and implementation.

CellStream has a track record and program where we work side-by-side with your program teams to insure these definitions are robust, accurate, and timely. 

We bring broad market knowledge and competitive insight to the process. 

A good example of this is how we can help collect and process industry information to meet your market requirement/product specification process.

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