*FREE* – Signaling System 7 – SS7


Learn how the basics of SS7 operations, how SS7 is the way 800 numbers work and how calls are processed in today’s intelligent network Signal Transfer Points (STP’s) and Signal Control Points (SCP’s).

We said this in 1998: “Let’s face it, any developments in voice whether they are ATM based or IP based will require inter-operability with the SS7 network”, and nothing can be closer to the truth!

This tutorial is an excellent way to get a primer on the subject without reading a 300 page book. Over 50 detailed and well arranged slides walk you through call set up, call tear down, and the mapping of the SS7 stack.

Over 800 professionals have enjoyed the tutorial to date with more every day since it’s initial offering.

Learn how the basics of SS7 operations, how SS7 is the way 800 numbers work and how calls are processed in today’s intelligent network Signal Transfer Points (STP‘s) and Signal Control Points (SCP‘s). We said this in 1998: “Let’s face it, any developments in voice whether they are ATM based or IP based will require interoperability with the SS7 network”, and nothing can be closer to the truth!This tutorial is an excellent way to get a primer on the subject without reading a 300 page book. Over 50 detailed and well arranged slides walk you through call set up, call tear down, and the mapping of the SS7 stack.Over 1800 professionals have enjoyed the tutorial to date with more every day since it’s initial offering. Key Benefits:

  • Brevity, Accuracy and Time Conscious construction
  • Clear and easy to understand processes and explanations
  • A simple inexpensive way to begin your knowledge on the subject
  • A tool you will refer to over and over again!

This is a free, self-paced course available at the Online School of Network Sciences – Click Here to go to our Online Courses!  Simply create a free account at the Online School and enjoy this self paced course.

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