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Tech Gift Ideas

Post Views: 130 Looking for some ideas for what to gift someone in the tech/networking field? Here are some, but don’t forget – we have two other places to get things: our Wi-Fi Adapters that support monitor mode article and our “Go Bag” page. The links to the products shown here are all available through

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Top 12 Network Troubleshooting Tools

Post Views: 238 For all my troubleshooting network friends, I have compiled a list below of the top troubleshooting tools that you need to have and know. #1 – Our Network Troubleshooting Toolkit for Windows or Linux You will find more details on this right here. A must have. Usage instructions are here. Most of

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The Network Products We Use in Our “Go Bag”

Post Views: 791 The links to the products shown here are all available through Amazon, and if you use these links, we will get a small cut through our Amazon Associates program. We thank you for doing this. I often get asked for a list of products that are in my “go bag”, when I

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Which Version of TCP are you using?

Post Views: 642 So often in Wireshark videos and classes we spend a lot of time on TCP behavior. But what I am about to discuss is hardly ever brought up. The answer to version is simple right? Version 4. OK, kind of right, but overlooking too much. The truth is that there are multiple

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Why TCP Should Never be Used for Speed Tests

Post Views: 495 I understand the argument: Since there is so much TCP (HTTP anything, etc. etc.) this is what the user experiences. That argument has several issues. First, we need to discuss the problems with using TCP at all as there are technical reasons the idea does not align with the goal of speed

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Recognizing WLAN Retransmissions is a Critical Skill

Post Views: 485 Retransmissions of frames in WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks) can become problematic for several reasons, primarily due to the nature of the wireless medium. While retransmissions are a necessary part of ensuring data integrity in unreliable networks, they can cause inefficiencies and degrade network performance. I will get to the details below,

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